Limb Lengthening in Turkey > Press Coverage

Press Coverage

Leg-Lengthening Surgery Changed My Life

Leg-lengthening surgery changed more than Ibrahim Alğan's height: It inspired him to quit his job, and he says he gets more compliments now.

Inside the World of Limb-Lengthening Surgery

There seems to be an implicit, unstated sense that when short people do achieve high-status positions they’re still deemed to lack the ‘natural authority’ to wield real power.

I had my legs broken to be taller

I could not see any difference between having short stature and having a serious illness. Now, my life has changed dramatically...

Would you have your legs broken to make yourself taller?

A 32-year-old American, wanted to extend all four leg bones to go from 5ft 8in to 6ft.

Spending $20K on Leg Lengthening Surgery

The full part of video will be publish by Vice soon...

Leg-lengthening surgery changed my life.

Would you have your legs broken to make yourself taller? The men who go through hell for a little extra height

Leg-lengthening surgery changed my life.

Would you have your legs broken to make yourself taller? The men who go through hell for a little extra height

One-by-one Explanation for Those Who Want to Increase Their Height

Limb lengthening surgery is an orthopedic surgery performed to lengthen the bones in the arms and legs for aesthetic reasons or therapeutic purposes in individuals with closed growth plates.

За няколко сантиметра повече – жестоката цена да станеш по-висок

За ниските мъже се носят легенди – и позитивни, и негативни. От това, че са злобни, агресивни и комплексирани до установеното (уж чрез...

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